19 Nov St James King St, Sydney – 9th November 2012
I’ve spent the last couple of years documenting the reconstruction of the Spire and re roofing of the historic St James Church in King St Sydney. I have a very rewarding archive of the construction work and the artisans who did the work. I really like the place and occasionally I’m asked to sing with the semi professional Choir (more on that some other time!)
A quote from my mentor and oft missed friend David Moore, who was interviewed by David Marr for a book ‘David Moore 50 photographs’ this sums up what often drives me as a photographer
” When we’re born we open our eyes and people think kids know how to see. We’re taught to read and write but we’re not taught the meaning of seeing. Photographers and artists are terribly fortunate because we have some understanding of what seeing is all about. I don’t mean looking, I mean seeing and understanding.
I ‘m interested in all sorts of things. It’s a pretty wide landscape I suppose. I find in the world I live in there are wonderful things, interesting things, strange things, difficult things – and I would like to be pointing people towards them so they can understand and see.”
I’m continually amazed and humbled at the incredible opportunities that are presented to me as a photographer. When you can show someone what something looks like from a different and unusual perspective, the pleasure of watching the reaction is exciting !
This picture of St James I made from the roof of a building opposite, there’s only a handful of people who would have witnessed this view with their own eyes, and here is a fleeting moment that is captured in time for the future – my image concentrates the viewer to look at the detail, it’s such a different perspective from the street view that most of the population see